Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Das Melanchthonianum am Universitäsplatz.


Prorektorat für Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung
Sekretariat: Petra Jannasch

phone: 0345 55 21460
fax: 0345 55 27092

Universitätsplatz 9 (Melanchthonianum, 1. Etage)
06108 Halle (Saale)

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Prorektorat für Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung
06099 Halle (Saale)


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Appointment Procedure

Process illustration / Workflow of the appointment procedure

PDF Download
Prozessdarstellung_Workflow_Berufungsverfahren.pdf (internal only) (95.8 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Appointment Regulations

Appointment regulations at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg from 09.02.2022

Valid from 18.03.2022
Berufungsordnung_MLU.pdf (125.9 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Guidelines for Appointment Procedures

The guidelines are currently being finalized.

W1-Professorship (Junior- or Tenure-Track-Professorship)

Documents for Application W1-Professorship

Request for job release and advertisement W1-Professorship
Antrag_Ausschreibung_W1.docx (internal only) (153.1 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Request for job release and advertisement W1-Professorship shared appointment
Antrag_Ausschreibung_gemeinsame_Berufung_W1.docx (internal only) (153.8 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Sample Advertisementtext W1-Professorship national
Ausschreibungstext_national_W1.docx (internal only) (156.2 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Sample advertisementtext W!-Professorship international (currently in revision)

Work aid for the creation of evaluation criteria
Arbeitshilfe_Erstellung_Evaluationskriterien_W1.docx (internal only) (50.6 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Guidance for appointment committees

The junior professorship is aimed at young academics. The appointment of a junior professorship should take place at an early career stage and enable young academics to research and teach independently very soon after completing their doctorate and to gain further qualifications for a regular professorship.   In view of the character of junior professorships as qualifying professorships, the Higher Education Act of the state of Saxony-Anhalt (§ 40 HSG LSA) stipulates as a recruitment requirement that a previous period of employment from the last examination performance of the doctorate (oral examination) to the application for the junior professorship may not generally exceed six years.   Against this backdrop, the recruitment requirements for junior professorships guide was developed; it provides guidance for appointment committees in the selection process.
Translated with (free version)

Employment guid on hiring requirements for junior professorships
2024-Arbeitshilfe_BerufungenW1-MLU_Juni-v04.pdf (internal only) (118.8 KB)  vom 27.06.2024


Request for job release and advertisement W2/W3-Professorship

Request for job release and advertisement W2/W3-Professorship
Antrag_Ausschreibung_W3_W2.docx (internal only) (156.3 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Request for job release and advertisment W2/W3-Professorship with shared appointment
Antrag_Ausschreibung_gemeinsame_Berufung_W2_W3.docx (internal only) (152.8 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Sample advertisementtext W2/W3-Professorship national and international

Sample national
Ausschreibungstext_national_W2_W3.docx (internal only) (153.9 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Sample international
Ausschreibungstext_international_W2_W3.docx (internal only) (157.2 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Veröffentlichung der Ausschreibung einer Professur – Verfahrensweise

Veröffentlichung der Ausschreibung einer Professur – Verfahrensweise
(Stand 15.05.2024)
Verfahrensweise_Veröffentlichung_der_Ausschreibung_einer_Professur_2024_05_15.pdf (188.7 KB)  vom 27.05.2024

Documentation of the appointment procedure (W1/W2/W3)

Handout Documentation Appointment Procedure (W1/W2/W3)

Handout Documentation Appointment Procedure (W1/W2/W3)
Handreichung_Dokumentation_Berufungsverfahren.pdf (internal only) (234.1 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Sample appointment proposal - cover letter from the faculty to the rector (W1/W2/W3)

Sample appointment proposal - cover letter from the faculty to the rector
Muster_Berufungsvorschlag_Anschreiben_Fakultät_an_Rektor_W1_W2_W3.doc (internal only) (24 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Forms appointment committee

Appointment committee: Standard case

Appointment procedure (form a)
Berufungskommission_Regelfall_W1_W2_W3.pdf (internal only) (223.3 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

appointment commission: Deviation from standard case appointment procedure (form b)
Berufungskommission_Abweichung_Regelfall_W1_W2_W3.pdf (internal only) (956.8 KB)  vom 08.08.2022

Senate Reporter

Impressions of the SBE Training 2023

Impressions of the SBE Training 2023

Impressions of the SBE Training 2023

Pool Senate Reporters Appointment Procedure

Overview Senate Reporters Term of Office 2022-2026

Senate reporter handout
Handreichung_Senatsberichterstattende.pdf (internal only) (293 KB)  vom 27.04.2023
