Good teaching at MLU
Quality assurance and improvement
The University strives to constantly improve the quality of its studies and teaching. More students are to be led to a successful conclusion in a quality-oriented manner and the proportion of graduates is to be increased during the standard period of study. Quality assurance standards already established at MLU will be reviewed and further developed within the framework of this project.
The project was applied for jointly by the Vice-Rectorate for Studies and Teaching (association for the Evaluation of Studies and Teaching) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Wolf Zimmermann and the Vice-Rectorate for Structure and Development, Staff Unit for Higher Education Planning and Information Management, Dr. Roswitha M. Csuk.
By coupling and analysing qualitative and quantitative aspects and data, the entry into a systematic and well-founded quality management for the field of study and teaching is to be provided. By setting up an access to the Information Management System (IMS), the staff unit enables the Evaluation Office to access quantitative data, such as the number of first-year students, duration of studies and supervision, as well as their temporal developments and trends. By comparing these data with the survey results, it is possible to make statements about study quality and study conditions.
External data, such as the results and key figures from the University Benchmarking (UBM) are also used for a further analysis of study conditions and study behaviour. This means that cross-university figures are also available, which enable a status quo determination and the comparison of study conditions and study quality with the German higher education landscape as a whole, and thereby highlight strengths and weaknesses while taking structural conditions into account. The survey results can thus be interpreted and used to derive and implement measures to ensure academic success.
Mrs Dr. R. M. Csuk +49 345 55 21370 | Project coordination |
Mr. Dr. A. Machno +49 345 55 21337 | Projekt management |