Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Das Melanchthonianum am Universitäsplatz.


Prorektorat für Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung
Sekretariat: Petra Jannasch

phone: 0345 55 21460
fax: 0345 55 27092

Universitätsplatz 9 (Melanchthonianum, 1. Etage)
06108 Halle (Saale)

postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Prorektorat für Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung
06099 Halle (Saale)


Further settings

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Target Agreements

Starting in 2003, target agreements between the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs of the State of Saxony-Anhalt and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg have replaced the university development plans. The contents can be downloaded below.

Target agreements for the period 2020-2024

Target agreements 2020-2024 LSA and MLU from 22.06.2020
Zielvereinbarung_2020_bis_2024.pdf (6.5 MB)  vom 10.08.2022

Target agreement 2020-2024 Attachment Teacher training
Zielvereinbarung_2020_bis_2024_Anlage_Lehrerbildung.pdf (140.3 KB)  vom 10.08.2022

Target agreement 2020-2024 Attachment Teacher training Supplementary agreement
2020_2024_Zielvereinbarung_Anlage_Lehrerbildung_Ergänzungsvereinbarung_.pdf (2 MB)  vom 26.08.2022

Target agreement for the priode 2015-2019

Target agreement 2015-2019 LSA and MLU from 29.01.2015
Zielvereinbarung_2015_bis_2019.pdf (399.9 KB)  vom 10.08.2022

Target agreement for the periode 2011-2013

Target agreement 2011-2013 LSA and MLU from 17.02.2011
Zielvereinbarung_2011_bis_2013.pdf (552.1 KB)  vom 10.08.2022

Target agreement for the periode 2006-2010

Target agreement 2006-2010 LSA and MLU from 16.12.2006
Zielvereinbarung_2006_bis_2010.pdf (1.2 MB)  vom 10.08.2022

Target agreement for the periode 2003-2005

Target agreement 2003-2005 LSA and MLU from 28.03.2003
Zielvereinbarung_2003_bis_2005.pdf (370.1 KB)  vom 10.08.2022
